Mon 27 Jan
Your Newest Addiction. Mature Classy Sexy Freaky Redbone...Molly! 50 Specials - 21
(North Mississippi, Oxford Incalls And Outcalls)
You Deserve The Best So Why Relax With Anything Less Than The Best - 27
(North Mississippi, Tupelo Incall)
❤T_ _O_ __P_ __L__ _E__ _S_ __S❤( . )( . )_44F_CUP!!!_ _ __❤ BiG B O O B M-A-S-S-A-G-E ❤* - 25
(North Mississippi, Yazoo City..Gville..Indianola..)
A WILD GIRL to Explore Your Wild Side! - 19
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
Sat 11 Jan
I want to be your girl tonight
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi)
~__I__M__ ~B_A_C_K ~__R__E__A_ D__Y __~__ T_ O__ ~__P__L__A _ Y__~ - 21
(North Mississippi, Tupelo in/oc)
80/30MIN 120/HR ♥ I HoPe YoU DoN't OvErDoSe On All Of ThIs CHOCOLATE, BaBy! ;) ♥ AVAILABLE EVERYDAY! - 22
(North Mississippi, YOU PICK ME UP & HOST (COLUMBUS, MS))
Lola!! I'm HERE!! One day only...No outcalls...I will be landing in Grenada @ 3:00 - 25
(North Mississippi, Grenada/ I-55)
Hey guys i am in the delta an ready to play 100% Real Pics - 22
(North Mississippi, All Over The Delta)
Fri 10 Jan
SɛCRɛT🙈🙉🙊 Lɛts Mɛɛt👋Grɛɛt 👫& Frɛak💦 I Can Makє It Disappєar😋😋 All Night Long 40::70::100💦💦 - 23
(Columbus Incall/Outcall, North Mississippi)
Here kitty Kitty here kitty kitty ( meow) 901-215-5506 ( @$k me bout my specicals,) - 21
(North Mississippi, westpoint/ columbus/starkville Mississip)
Thu 09 Jan
😻😻💦💦 Juicy, Tight, && Just Right 💦💦😻😻 901*471*1021 🍓6oQk 8oHh 1ooHr🍓 Sunday Special💋 - 25
(Columbus Incall Only, North Mississippi)
Wed 08 Jan
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You! - 19
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi, anywhere you want me!)
Sexy brunette w/ a sexy tan💣let me fill ur dreams this weekend💣💲QV80 30min125 1hour200💲 - 24
(Corinth ms, North Mississippi)
No Fake Pics here!! 100% Me or Its FREE!!✨TΉΣ ⓑⓐđđⓔⓢⓣ 5☆PLΛΥMΛTΣ ΛЯOЦПD!!💋 Early Bird Specials! - 22
(North Mississippi, Columbus Incalls Only)
This sweet petite treat is ready to play! LEAVING TOWN SOON! - 23
(North Mississippi, Memphis IN/OUT,Tunica&West; Memphis OUT)
100% Me ... Upscale and Classy. 36D/24/36 Last Night In Town - 25
(North Mississippi, Oxford - Tupelo- Batesville)
Tue 07 Jan
💋 🎀 PRETTY L!PS Nice Body Rainy Day Specials All Day 💋 🎀 $75hh 100hr❗💋🎀 - 24
(North Mississippi, greenville indianola greenwood etc)
♥Ride into my Sunset ♥Ready to Saddle Up? ♥♥Treat Yourself ★w/ an★NeW ReDbOnE Stunner! ★★50 Specials - 21
(North Mississippi, OXFORD)
Batesville I'm here—★ HOT ( EXOTIC S€xY ~ CuT!€ ) —————★ AloTa FuN ————— VeRy [SeDuC - 22
(North Mississippi, Batesville incall/ Outcall Oxford/Grenad)
Mon 06 Jan
come play with me...untill u do ill play with myself! 30mins/100rose SPECIALS!!!!!
(Jackson, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi, Jackson,MS)
💋 🎀 The Best Hands Down ⁅ New bOOty ⁆ 💋 🎀 Ask about $80 special ❗💋🎀 - 24
(North Mississippi, greenville indianola greenwood etc)
🙌🙌🙌🙌Hot times with me love and fun 🙌🙌🙌🙌 (Incall & Out) - 24
(North Mississippi, OXFORD, MS OXFORD, MS OXFORD, MS)
Your Well Reviewed, Mistress & Companion 6"2 Supermodel - 28
(North Mississippi, Tupelo & Surrounding Areas)
Ladies Do Not Pick Up For Dis Number662-419-0947 He's Da Cops - 99
(North Mississippi, Oxford Area Police Set Up Police)
★ SpeCiaLs ★ have your favorite CAKE && EAT it to - - 22
(North Mississippi, tupelo i/c & wherever attention needed)
**New Ebony princess**Freaky Fancy**662 557 0330** - 21
(North Mississippi, *Columbus Tupelo WestPoint& surrounding*)
♛NeW~ GorgeouS Ebony→Rare Beauty←•¦:- §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P •-:¦:-•FRESH🍒🍒 Cherry PIE!!! 🍒🍒 - 21
(North Mississippi, Tupelo incall)
M_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - 22
(North Mississippi, Tupelo In & outcall)
🎀💎New and ready for you💎🎀 Call Skylar® for a night w/a thick red head that you'll always remember‼️😘 - 23
(Columbus ((Incall and outcall)), North Mississippi)
Creamy Milk Chocolate Skin, Big Almond Eyes, and a Honey Sweet .. Smile ;) I'm What You Crave - 20
(North Mississippi, Tupelo ms)
*** BAcK 4 MOrE !!!!!GROwN & SExYLISCOUS *** SEDuCTION *** BOMbSHELL !!!!!!!! - 28
Sun 05 Jan
OXFORD MS🌹💏 Walk In Hard 💦 I Got The Rest ❤ 662-763-1512👯😘🌹 - 20
(North Mississippi, OXFORD MS ((Incall))😍😍)
👑OXFORD👑💦South Lamar Incall/Outcall Specials💦Pretty Face Big Booty🍑 - 21
(North Mississippi, Oxford (Incalls/Outcalls))
** SeXy ReDbOnE ** ♥αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆* ➜★TOuCH M€ —TEaSe M€—JU¡CY & T¡GHT 60 ROSES - 21
(North Mississippi, OXFORD)
💋Baby u won't forget this get it now it's hot $Divine lady's INC$ - 20
(North Mississippi, Holly Springs,Byhalia,Memphis)
**Let me show you what the best feels like **
(Biloxi, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Meridian, North Mississippi, Southwest Mississippi, In your arms ;))
🍒Trina XXL is Back🍒 2Lady Special💎 901.513.6235 Mature ADULTS ONLY👠 Upscale Exp - 28
(Columbus in/out, North Mississippi)
@@@ Alexis will come to you in Greenwood outcall only!!! @@@ - 22
(batesville oxford grenada, North Mississippi)
Sat 04 Jan